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Izvestija na Instituta za istoricheski izsledvanija

Care for the Elderly as Part of the Social Security Policy in China

Известия на Института за исторически изследвания, том 37, 2022, с. 247-253
Proceedings of Institute for Historical Studies, Vol. 37, 2022, p. 247–253
ISSN: 2367-5187 (print), 2815-2913 (online)

Detelina Dineva / Детелина Динева

Institute for Historical Studies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6104-1610

Summary: One of the tasks the population ageing rate in the People’s Republic of China has brought to the fore is the formulation and implementation of novel policies and reforms for elderly care in the country. The changed family structure, largely due to the one-child policy practised for decades on end, as well as young people’s migration from rural to urban areas, has called for shifting family responsibility for seniors to government-facilitated care services with the rapidly growing participation of the private sector.

Governmental bodies like the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry for Civil Affairs and the National Health Commission have been responsible for developing and putting into practice the measures envisioned by the Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2011–2015) and the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan (2016–2020) for ensuring social services for elderly people in China.

Reforms, including pension and health insurance ones, have been undertaken by the government. Notwithstanding difficulties (among them shortage of elderly care workers and insufficient quality guarantees) a much needed framework of social support and care services for the country’s elderly population is being rapidly expanded.

Keywords: ageing, elderly care, pension system, medical insurance

The fulltext of this article can be purchased on CEEOL: https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=2000.