Summary: The article presents the main stages in the development of specialized teaching of world history in Bulgaria, which began much later than that of Bulgarian history. Investigations with which Bulgarian historians tried to get involved in various aspects and directions of world history studies appeared even later. Teaching and research were related to the need for world history to be known and taught at a high level. The main function of the readings and research on world history was to place Bulgarian history in the context of the larger processes developing in Balkan, European and world history, because only then it could become clear what the role of Bulgaria was, what challenges it faced, and how it handled them.
The author presents both the successes in the research of world history in the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, as well as the difficulties and problems before the “general” historians. The difficulties in the first place came from the contemptuous attitude of their colleagues dealing with Bulgarian history, followed by the problems related to getting the possibility of conducting research abroad, and the opportunity to work with original sources. Last, but not least, the lack of a sufficient number of historians in a given field should be pointed out as a problem, considering that lively scientific discussions can stimulate qualitative research and this is the way for the development of world historiography. An important point in world history research was the choice of a research field in which to provide scholarly contribution. One of the important tasks of more experienced historians was to guide the younger ones in choosing the issues studying which they could get successfully realized.
These difficulties and problems may prevent young researchers from studying world history, but they can also play a positive role if they stimulate them in the search for new topics and problems, new approaches and access to primary documentation (facilitated by the new technologies). So that knowledge of world history can fulfill its main role – to serve society in finding the right place of Bulgaria in world development and in international relations.
Keywords: World history, history of research, history of history teaching, Bulgarian historiography, world historiography
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