Summary: The study analyses the difficult path of the shifting Franco-German relations in the direction of reconciliation, understanding and strategic cooperation for the sake of peace, security and prosperity of Europe. The fundamental importance of the European integration, triggered by Paris, as a reliable means of integrating the Federal Republic of Germany into Europe in a way that would deprive the Germans of the opportunity to embark again on the path of revanchism is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the historic Élysée Treaty of Cooperation proposed by President Charles de Gaulle in 1963, which raised bilateral relations to a higher level and strengthened the Franco-German alliance as the “axis” of the European integration process. Emphasis is placed on France’s consistency in its policy towards Germany and the dependence of the effectiveness of the Élysée Treaty on the political changes in Germany, especially under Chancellors Ludwig Erhard and Angela Merkel. On this basis, the Franco-German Treaty on Cooperation and Integration signed on the initiative of President Emmanuel Macron in 2019 in Aachen is commented on. A comparison of the Treaty of Aachen with the Élysee Treaty shows how more ambitious and comprehensive the outlined programme of the renewed Franco-German alliance is, not only for the development of bilateral relations, but also for European integration and Europe’s place in the modern world. Attention is also drawn to the fact that even after the entry into force of the Aachen Treaty Macron’s strategic thinking continues to go far ahead of that of Merkel.
Keywords: France, Germany, Élysée Treaty, Treaty of Aachen, European integration
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