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Izvestija na Instituta za istoricheski izsledvanija

Bulgarian Intellectuals in Defense of the Ukrainian Question during and after the First World War

Български интелектуалци в защита на украинския въпрос по време и след Първата световна война

Известия на Института за исторически изследвания, том 39, 2025, с. 364–374.
Proceedings of Institute for Historical Studies, Vol. 39, 2025, p. 364-374.
ISSN: 2367-5187 (print), 2815-2913 (online)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71069/III39.25.IM14

Inna Manasieva / Инна Манасиева

Institute for Historical Studies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1063-6200

Summary: At the end of the First World War, Bulgarian intellectuals, with the support of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in Bulgaria, tried to convince their compatriots of the existence of the Ukrainian question. For them, this issue was not a “foreign intrigue”, but was born out of unresolved national problems in the Russian Empire. The philologist and politician Ivan Shishmanov made the greatest contribution to the spread of the Ukrainian idea. The historian and writer Dimitar Strashimirov, the linguist Stefan Mladenov, the literary and theatrical critic Nikola Balabanov, the philologists Yurdan Trifonov and Lyuben Ikhchiev, the writers Dimitar Shishmanov, Stilian Chilingirov and Hristo Tsankov-Derizhan took part in the cultural and informational events aimed at acquainting the Bulgarian society with the history, culture, life, past and present of Ukraine.

Keywords: Ukrainian question, The Union for the Liberation of Ukraine in Bulgaria, Ivan Shishmanov, Dimitar Strashimirov, Stefan Mladenov, Nikola Balabanov, Yurdan Trifonov, Lyuben Ikhchiev, Stilian Chilingirov, Hristo Tsankov-Derizhan

The fulltext of this article can be purchased on CEEOL: https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=2000.